Here are some of the resources we have found to be helpful. Growing is good and can be uncomfortable. We encourage you to approach these resources for growing prayerfully, with a posture of humility and expectant of the Holy Spirit’s work. This is a journey, a journey that requires each of us to put in work and also a journey not meant to be traveled alone. As you engage with these resources let the conversations begin as the credits roll and consider reading with others and discussing your reflections together.
We also recognize that we each have different sensitivities about what is appropriate content for reading and watching, so we encourage each person to use their own discretion, and for parents to exercise appropriate oversight. A resource that many have found useful when deciding what to view is
Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s heart for racial reconciliation by Latasha Morrison
As Baker Publishing group puts it, this is “a gripping portrayal of what happens when faith thrusts a person into the midst of a struggle against racism, oppression, and injustice”
Dr. King’s response to a statement called “A Call for Unity” by eight white clergymen, which agreed with the goal of social justice but was against King and his methods, urging for patience.
I highly recommend the series Little America because it addresses the many complicated and varying experiences of people who have immigrated to America in modern times. It handles it delicately, emotionally and personally. These 30 min vignettes are based on true stories that touch on the reality for many, many of whom now call America their new home. It highlights the struggle to reconcile living between two worlds and trying to fit in while also just trying to survive. From the frustrated young Hispanic student who finds an unexpected outlet in a new sport to an African student who finds creative ways to turn his homesickness into a way to maintain his family connection. The stories are endearing and pain filled and should inspire us to appreciate and come alongside those who need our love and care as they adjust to making America their new home.
Caution from the Intercultural Resource Team
While we highly recommend the first 7 episodes, we have a word of caution. In the last episode, along with the immigrant theme being central to the story, LGBTQIA+ issues are highlighted. We feel it is important to note a disclaimer that Crossway Church does not affirm this lifestyle. By recommending this series we are not endorsing all of the lifestyle choices made in the episodes, and expect you to exercise caution according to your personal convictions.
Watch the trailer. When a professor returns to his apartment he discovers a young couple living there. They recently immigrated to the US but fear deportation. Watch relationship across cultures and the complexities of immigration.