[scroll down to see this month’s calendar]
Small Groups contact Jim Eddy, jimeddy55@gmail.com
Music Team Practice: contact Jean Eddy, jeddy57@gmail.com
Contact admin@crosswaymchurch.org for details on these events.
[scroll down to see this month’s calendar]
Small Groups Get Feed for iCal (Google Calendar). This is for subscribing to the events in the Calendar. Add this URL to either iCal (Mac) or Google Calendar, or any other calendar that supports iCal Feed.
You are welcome to join! If you are joining for the first time, please check with contact person to confirm time and location.
Setup for Sundays: contact Jim Eddy, jimeddy55@gmail.com
Worship & Fellowship at Bickford
Mondays 1:15–2:15 pm
[except for the 2nd Monday of the month]
Marita de Leon (maritabdeleon@gmail.com)
Women’s Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark
Tuesdays 6:30–8:15 pm
contact Geunyoung Kim, kimgeun@msu.edu
Newcomers’ Life Group
Tuesdays 7:00–8:30 pm
contact Pastor John, johnbell@crosswaymchurch.org
Youth Group for 6th–12th grades
Wednesdays 6:00–8:00 pm
contact Karen Bonnell, kswbonnell@gmail.com
FriGuys on Zoom
Fridays 7:00–8:30 am
contact John Bankson, jbankson1414@gmail.com
Alpha Study for Young Adults (CMF)
Saturdays, February 8 & 22, 2:30 pm
contact Emily, 502-794-2666
Music Team Practice: contact Jean Eddy, jeddy57@gmail.com
Contact admin@crosswaymchurch.org for details on these events.