January 24 In-Person Signup

January 24 In-Person Signup

You are invited!

We are very excited to invite you, as you are comfortable, to come to the building for our worship service this Sunday! We are committed to continue to support rich live connection via Zoom for our worship services. There is no pressure to choose one way or the other for how you will connect. We will be excited to see you either way!

Signing Up

If you plan to come in-person, we ask that you sign up here. That will help us plan better for how many people are likely to be present.


A few words about being together in person:

  • We will all wear face masks throughout our time in the building.
  • People who have speaking roles on the platform will remove their face masks for that time to help with understandability.
  • We will keep 6 foot distance between different households. We are currently sitting around tables as this seems to provide a good guide and support for physical distancing.
  • This 6 foot distance is also to be followed in our conversations before and after the worship service, and we will help each other with this guidance as well.
  • If you are not feeling well, or if you have recently been exposed to someone who has a positive case of the virus, we ask that you stay home until you are well.
  • We won’t be handing out Bibles or papers, so you’ll still want to be watching for the Sunday morning email with the relevant links.

Would you like to join us?

Please sign up here.