Behold our God! (Isaiah 40:1-11)
CMC Bulletin 2020-12-06 Kids Bulletin 2020_12_06 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-12-06 CMC Sermon Handout with Blanks 2020-12-06 All slides
A Light has Dawned (Isaiah 8:19-9:7)
CMC Bulletin 2020-11-29 Kids Bulletin 2020_11_29 CMC Sermon Handout blanks 2020-11-29 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-11-29 All Slides
Peace, not D/I/V/I/S/I/O/N (Ephesians 2:11-22)
CMC Bulletin 2020-11-22 Kids Bulletin 2020_11_22 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-11-22 CMC Sermon Handout with blanks 2020-11-22 All Slides
Boundless Joy! (Luke 7:36-50)
CMC Bulletin 2020-11-15 Kids Bulletin 2020_11_15 CMC Sermon Handout 2020-11-15 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-11-15 All Slides
Not what I expected… (Luke 7:18-35)
CMC Bulletin 2020-11-08 Kids Bulletin 2020_11_08 CMC Sermon Handout 2020-11-08 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-11-08 All Slides
Romans 5:1-11
CMC Bulletin 2020-11-01 Kids Bulletin 2020_11_01 All slides
Luke 7:1-17
CMC Bulletin 2020-10-25 Kids Bulletin 2020_10_25 All slides
Love like God (Luke 6:27-49)
CMC Bulletin 2020-10-18 Kids Bulletin 2020_10_18 CMC Sermon Handout blanks 2020-10-18 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-10-18 All Slides
Upside-down and Backwards (Luke 6:17-26)
CMC Bulletin 2020-10-11 CMC Sermon Handout blanks 2020-10-11 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-10-11 Kids Bulletin 2020_10_11 All Slides
Seeking God’s Mercy (Psalm 51)
CMC Bulletin 2020-10-04 CMC Sermon Handout 2020-10-04 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-10-04 Kids Bulletin 2020_10_04 All Slides
Lord Over All (Luke 6:1-16)
CMC Bulletin 2020-09-27 Kids Bulletin 2020_09_27 CMC Sermon Handout 2020-09-27 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-09-27 All slides
The First Step with God (Luke 5:27-39)
CMC Sermon Handout 2020-09-20 CMC Sermon Handout completed 2020-09-20 CMC Bulletin 2020-09-20 Kids Bulletin 2020_09_20 All Slides 2020-09-20